Emotional freedom techniques
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
NLP Certification is included in the IET Training Diploma
Where: Online, Zoom
Cost: £2,200
Early Bird Offer of £1,975 expires on 31st January 2021
Next dates:
Module 1: April 23rd – 26th 2021 10am – 5pm BST
Module 2: May 14th – 17th 2021 10am – 5pm BST
Module 3: June 11th – 14th 2021 10am – 5pm BST
NLP Practitioner Practical Assessment: June 14th 9am – 1pm BST
What Is NLP?
NLP is a systematic way of identifying and repeating personal excellence. It presupposes that all behaviour has a structure, and that structure can be modelled, learned and changed. People are capable of doing both positive and negative behaviours excellently. This means that NLP is immensely powerful in remedial contexts such as therapy when people may want to change limiting or harmful behaviours, as well as in those areas where we utilise its precise ways to identify how someone who is successful is achieving results. For instance, how excellent sports people win competitions, how high achieving managers create winning teams, how healthy people heal from illnesses quickly. A key element in NLP methods is how rather than why.
NLP is an offshoot of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. It originated in the 1970s from the work of Dr Richard Bandler – a Mathematician, and John Grinder – a linguist. They studied the work of three highly successful but very different therapists: Fritz Perls, the originator of Gestalt Therapy, Virginia Satir, the brilliant family therapist and Milton Erickson MD, the phenomenally successful Medical hypnotherapist. Bandler and Grinder wanted to know how to do what these three acknowledged geniuses did so successfully, even though their work appeared to be magically intuitive and the therapists themselves were unable to adequately explain what they did.
The achievement of Bandler and Grinder is that they were able to identify and break down the common language and behaviour patterns used by their therapeutic wizards in such a way that anybody interested could learn to do it too.Today NLP is a proven tool for getting results and creating success in the world. Its powerful but simple techniques are used in business, sales, training, coaching, health, therapy, and resource development. It will help you achieve excellence in all areas of your life.
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