October 27, 2023

Christmas Thoughts

Categories: Blog

I was not sure what I was going to write about in this blog but as I sat down to gather my thoughts I turned the radio on and heard the following exchange (not the exact words). It was a discussion about family Christmases. A lady rang in and said, in a complaining tone, that since her family would all sit around the table playing on their phones, and there would be no conversation, all the effort she had made seemed pointless. To which another contributor suggested that this might be a positive thing as there would also be no arguments and everyone would be happy – what a great reframe!

During last month’s Christmas shopping frenzy I found myself in Central London. There was a lady (Romanian as it turned out) sitting on the pavement, with a baby in her arms, begging. I was just looking for money to give her when her mobile phone rang. For an instant, I thought twice about helping her but decided to anyway – that mobile phone could have been her only way of communicating with friends and family back home, surely it is just as valuable to help towards a phone bill as it is to contribute to a hot meal in this case?

One of the NLP presuppositions says that the meaning of your communication is in the response you get. In essence, this means it is our responsibility to communicate clearly and if we don’t get the desired response we need to be flexible and find a new approach.

Flexibility is a key factor in effective therapeutic work where excellent communication opens the door to change. Communication in this area is not just verbal, the best therapists know how to connect to their client’s unconscious mind through language and finely tuned observation skills. When there is strong rapport between therapist and client at this level, lasting change can occur quickly and effortlessly.

This is the focus of The EFT Centre’s 11 day modular training in Integrated Energy Techniques, which teaches an integrated blend of the most effective therapeutic and communication techniques available today. Please see here for more information:  https://theeftcentre.com/index.php/iet-training/#gsc.tab=0

Lets set our intention for 2022 for change in world communication skills, from individuals to governments to religions – anywhere where there is conflict today. May all those involved be flexible and discover new more effective communication skills this year.

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