Set your Intention for the Session
In "Set your Intention for the Session - The Ace [...]
In "Set your Intention for the Session - The Ace [...]
In "If you, or your client, get intense, KEEP TAPPING! [...]
"Use your Arms to Measure Intensity - The Seven of [...]
In "Keep checking in with yourself/your client - The Eight [...]
"Tap for Blocking Beliefs around Capabilities - The Eight of [...]
"Tap Regularly - The Three of Spades," featured in our [...]
Explore the power of visualization and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) [...]
Discover the transformative power of the "Daily Rebalancing Exercise," featured [...]
"Alter your Language to Suit your Client/Audience - The Nine [...]
Discover a different approach to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in [...]