Be Specific
"Be Specific - The Nine of Spades," part of our [...]
"Be Specific - The Nine of Spades," part of our [...]
"Surrogate Tapping for Animals - The Four of Hearts," part [...]
"Tap for Unconscious Conflicts - The Ten of Hearts," a [...]
In "Change the Set-Up Statement - The Six of Hearts," [...]
In "Be persistent! - The Four of Spades," a part [...]
"Be Creative - The Five of Spades," in our "52 [...]
"Tap to Clear Safety Issues - The Jack of Hearts," [...]
"Surrogate Tapping for Another Person - The Three of Hearts," [...]
In "Tap for Blocking Fears - The Queen of Hearts," [...]
In "Tap for Deserving Issues - The Nine of Hearts," [...]